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Flower Child Meadow

I've been working on some new large "Meadows"; landscapes with color that celebrate the fields that surround us in Ohio.  Each season brings a different look to the fields: the color of the weeds, the remains of crops, wildflowers.  Many of these meadows are a compilation of my favorite bits of landscape put with other favorite bits. This meadow had a very retro feeling to me, hence "Flower Child Meadow." Flower Child Meadow 36" x 48" oil on canvas 2024

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Late Summer Kitchen and Daily Paintings

Took a few moments this crisp morning to dust, rearrange, and overall "fluff" my kitchen shelves.  Changing them seasonally or as the fancy takes me is a joy I allow myself....... It's almost time for some daily special price paintings, and the flowers are ready, let me tell you!  We have fresh flowers all over the house; such a treat.  Here are a few of my favorite daily paints from last year: Cosmos Against the Cornfield Pink of Pumpkin Perfection Prime Dahlias And surprise!!  The first installment in this year's daily paints is already posted!: Roses and Dahlias, find it here

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