Intro to Oil Painting Workshop - Plein Air

Intro to Oil Painting Workshop - Plein Air

Regular price $250.00
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When: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., Saturday, September 7th

Where: My farm; address mailed upon registration

Are you curious about oil painting but fear it may be too complicated to try?  Join me for this three hour introduction to painting with oils.  In it I will share the basics you need to know to get started, the most essential materials, and the basic concepts necessary for success.

No experience is necessary; absolute beginners are welcome.  All materials will be provided; you will go home with a finished oil painting, a plein air painting box and brush, supply list to get you started on your own, and my helpful tips.

Class size is limited to 8 for more personal instruction.

Light snacks and beverages provided.

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