December 1

A very classy, traditional tree for December 1.  My favorite part to paint was the lamp with the perfect bow, light reflecting onto the picture behind it, the wall, and the beautiful hardwood floor.  I thought it would be fun to share some Advent poetry along with each painting as we make our way towards Christmas.
Sunday Before Advent, by Christina Rosetti
The end of all things is at hand. We all
Stand in the balance trembling as we stand;
Or if not trembling, tottering to a fall.
The end of all things is at hand.
O hearts of men, covet the unending land!
O hearts of men, covet the musical,
Sweet, never-ending waters of that strand!
While Earth shows poor, a slippery rolling ball,
And Hell looms vast, a gulf unplumbed, unspanned,
And Heaven flings wide its gates to great and small,
The end of all things is at hand.


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